
One of my essential Christian Living books, Holy Sweat by Tim Hansel, continues to deliver again and again.

I was reminded of one of it’s little gems this last weekend in a conversation with a new believer who didn’t know how to do all the things he felt compelled to change and fix in his new life. It wasn’t a guilt feeling, but more of an overwhelming.

Hansel’s advice applies:

1. “Contrary to what you may have heard, we are not called to live for Christ, we are called to live in Christ…”

2. “…A brilliant New Testament scholar once asked a group of us what is the most important word in the New Testament. We all took stabs at it. Was it love? Faith? Hope? Sanctification? Grace? “No,” he said. “It’s the little word let. L-E-T.” Let Jesus Christ do his work in you. Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus… Let your peace return to you…Let your light shine before men… Let is a word of transforming faith, with encyclopedias of meaning poured into it. Let assumes the total love and power of the Creator. It assumes that heaven is crammed with good gifts the Father wants to give his children. The profoundly simple word let is the gate that opens to that power. It gives God permission to work his might in us. That’s the good news…”

~ by joshuacreative on April 1, 2009.

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